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New world record! The conversion rate of our 2m2 single-junction perovskite module has reached 19.04%!

On March 6, 2024, GCL Perovskite set a world record with a 2 ㎡ full-size, single-junction perovskite module, with a steady-state efficiency of 19.04% -- that is, single-junction 19.04%@2㎡(1M 2M) , certified by the Chinese Institute of Me...

“Large size, higher efficiency and stability”—— GCL Perovskite is certified by TüV Rhein IEC 61215 and IEC 61730

GCL Optoelectric 1m* 2m single junction perovskite module has been certified by IEC 61215 and IEC 61730 in terms of safety and reliability. The certification body is an international independent third-party testing, inspection and certificat...

26.36%@1.71 m2, the commercialization of tandem perovskite module is approaching!

On April 8,2024, GCL Optoelectronic achieved another world record for both efficiency and size, achieving a steady-state efficiency of 26.36% with 1.71 m -- that is, 26.36%@1.71 m2. On the eve of tandem module commercialization, GCL Optoelec...

New world record again! GCL Perovskite achieved 27.34%@2050cm2

Recently, after 26.34%@2048 cm and 26.36%@1.71 ㎡, our tandem perovskite module once again broke the conversion efficiency record, reaching 27.34%@2050 cm, certified by the China Academy of Metrology. High efficiency is ready. Large size is...
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